Always make certain that your collision repairer does not use anything other than Genuine Volvo Car replacement parts on your Volvo.

Aftermarket Parts Don’t Make the Grade

Volvo Car USA does not approve of the use of aftermarket replacement parts. All the parts in a Volvo vehicle are responsible for specific functions. Genuine Volvo parts have been optimized for safety, structural integrity and fit. Aftermarket parts are not subjected to the same testing and requirements and may not be manufactured to the same standards. Thus, using aftermarket parts may compromise the vehicle’s performance and safety, placing passengers at risk.

Aftermarket parts (like bumpers, shocks, reinforcements, headlights, supports, fenders, hoods, suspension and unibody components) may interfere with the functionality of vehicle crumple zones, Supplemental Restraint Systems and drivetrain. It is also undetermined whether or not the aftermarket parts being installed meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Use of aftermarket parts can affect vehicle warranty, if the parts cause failures to other systems directly or indirectly.

Reconditioned Parts Can Compromise Your Volvo’s Performance & Safety

Volvo Car USA does not approve of the use of reconditioned replacement parts. All the parts in a Volvo vehicle are responsible for specific functions. Genuine Volvo parts have been optimized for safety, structural integrity and fit. Reconditioned parts are not subjected to the same testing and requirements and may not be reconditioned/remanufactured to the same standards. Thus, aftermarket parts may compromise the vehicle’s performance and safety, placing passengers at risk. Reconditioned Parts are also not traceable should a recall occur in the future.

It is not possible to visibly determine the extent of damage to a part prior to reconditioning. Volvo Cars has specific repair methods and allowances to ensure that parts which directly affect safety and performance will perform in the same manner as they would at the time of manufacturing and assembly. Not abiding by the repair guidelines can compromise systems.

Like Kind Quality/Salvaged/Recycled Components Utilization is Prohibited by

Volvo Car USA does not approve of the use of LKQ/salvaged or recycled replacement parts because there is no way to determine if parts have been previously damaged, heated, burned, or involved in a previous collision or flood loss. It cannot be determined if these parts are OEM, aftermarket or reconditioned until the part is received. LKQ, salvaged or recycled parts are often indirectly involved in a collision, flood or fire. They may have been exposed to harsh weather, extreme temperatures and may have excessive wear. These parts cannot be tested to meet Volvo Car requirements as there are no standards in place to test these components. LKQ/salvage/recycled Parts are not traceable should a recall occur.

Only Use Adhesives Specified by VIDA

The use of non-Volvo Car approved adhesives can compromise vehicle safety. Volvo Car adhesives are specific to each vehicle and location of the repair. Volvo Car USA only allows the use of adhesives that are specified in VIDA.

Volvo Can Only Guarantee OE Hardware

Volvo requires that hardware (e.g., screws, bolts, nuts, rivets) that has been damaged, worn or deformed as a result of a collision must be replaced with Genuine Volvo Car replacement parts to help ensure safety. Use of aftermarket, damaged, or deformed hardware in a repair cannot be guaranteed and therefore should never be used. All collision repair guides have been designed around the use of genuine Volvo Car Replacement Parts.

What This Means to You

Volvo Car cannot ensure a safe repair utilizing anything other than Genuine Volvo Car Replacement Parts. Third party or non-Volvo components may lead to system or component errors which can have an adverse effect on certain safety or collision avoidance systems. Be safe, keep your warranty safe and retain the integrity of your Volvo by using only Genuine Volvo Car Replacement Parts.