Nissan North America does not approve of any repairs made to any of its wheels, which includes the use of any repaired steel or aluminum wheel that involves welding, bending, hammering, straightening, re-machining, reforming, or adding new material, as this can compromise the structural integrity of the wheel and safety of the vehicle. This information was outlined in a repair bulletin published by the carmaker.

Reconditioned Wheels Limited to Minor Cosmetic Repairs

Nissan stated, “Any repair of steel or aluminum wheels must be strictly limited to minor cosmetic sanding or polishing that removes only the finish, not the metal. Reconditioned wheels are not an acceptable method of repair on any Nissan vehicle, as these wheels were once subjected to the prohibited repairs referenced above.”

A reconditioned wheel, or any wheel not approved by Nissan, may cause unsafe vehicle operation and performance, including loss of control which may result in injuries to the vehicle occupants or other drivers. Following a collision situation, all four wheels should be thoroughly inspected for damage, especially the wheel(s) closest to the impact area of vehicle.

Parts Warranties Only Apply on Genuine Nissan OE Replacement Parts

Nissan North America’s New Vehicle Limited Warranty, and Limited Warranty on replacement parts do not apply to any parts other than Genuine Nissan original equipment parts. Nissan North America will not be responsible for any subsequent repair costs associated with a vehicle and/or part failure caused by the use of parts other than Genuine Nissan replacement parts.

“Nissan North America’s New Vehicle Limited Warranty, and Limited Warranty on replacement parts do not apply to any parts other than Genuine Nissan original equipment parts. Nissan North America will not be responsible for any subsequent repair costs associated with a vehicle and/or part failure caused by the use of parts other than Genuine Nissan replacement parts.

Nissan Does Not Endorse Anything Except OE Parts

The use of aftermarket, used, or salvaged parts puts you almost at the same risk of problems as reconditioning the wheels would. Used and salvaged parts come with a questionable history, as it’s possible they’ve been compromised in a collision or through natural wear and tear.

Aftermarket parts present another problem in that they are often not comprised of the highest quality materials and they are also not designed to fit the parameters of your specific make, model, and year of Nissan.  Therefore, Nissan will have to void your warranty if you choose to use anything other than OEM parts.